According to Wikipedia, "Induced hydraulic fracturing or hydrofracking, commonly known as fracking, is a technique used to release petroleum, natural gas (including shale gas, tight gas and coal seam gas), or other substances for extraction.This type of fracturing creates fractures from a wellbore drilled into reservoir rock formations." The fracking in question here is for supposedly significant amounts of natural gas that South Africa has in its semi-desert region known as the Karoo.
Below is a simple schematic showing how fracking essentially operates:
Hmmmm...all that underground water seems to be in the way of all the drilling and surge in release of natural gas...this cannot be a good thing.
More about the debacle from a South African perspective, as from the site:
"Speaking at the Shale Gas Conference in Johannesburg [held in July 2011], chairman of Treasure Karoo Action Group (TKAG) Jonathan Deal said there was not enough evidence at hand that the potential benefits of fracturing could outweigh the attached risks. “At this juncture of our history, with climate warming on the increase and increased threats to water supplies it would make corporate and social sense to invest research and development funds in seeking renewable energy alternatives, rather than pursuing finite fossil fuels,” said Deal.
Yes, we're back to that tired, tired, tired refrain by those of us who care about this planet and the future sustianability thereof that our energy future SHOULD NOT rest on fossil fuels like natural gas.
For anoyone remotely still in doubt as to the madness of engaging in this type of drilling for natural gas, I defy them to see the following documentary:
"Can you light your water on fire?" reads the alarming, wry caption. Indeed.
And then tell me you still think fracking is a rollicking good idea for energy.
I am cursed to be living in a country with such plentiful renewable energy potential, whether from solar, wind or wave, and yet that keeps investing in malignant, unsustainable energy from coal, nuclear and, now, natural gas.
South Africa is fast becoming the 'environmental Canada' of Africa - such a 'nice guy image', the feel-good 'peacemaker', even great environmental laws, and yet a big, fat polluting behemoth that deserves nothing but contempt from other nations at least making an attempt at more renewable energy.
Fracking gets backing? But, of course - after all, I do live in a corrupt, facile country that says all the right things to the world but screws its own citizens to the hilt back home. Even when it comes to how we get our lights on.
Do you get my point?
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