The recent Greek election resulted in a substantial portion of the vote going to parties and candidates that oppose the outrageous and penurous bailout packages that have been imposed on the debt-stricken nation by Brussels (read: Berlin).
So much so that the Greek parties have been deadlocked for days on end in talks on how to set up a coalition or 'unity' government, all to no avail. The Greeks are set to return to the polls again.
And hurrah to that. Even if thus far it has been little more than a squeak of democracy, rather than a roar thereof. A stall is still better than full speed ahead with this bailout madness.
It's not exactly the collapse of the Greek political and econo-casino system that I would have liked to see. An outright coup d'etat/ revolution and exit from the euro is really what Greence desperately needs. But it certainly beats having had the status quo continue with either an outright win by the 'centre-right' NDP or 'centre-left' PASOK parties.
As if there were such a thing as 'leftwing' and 'rightwing' in these days of lily-livered, self-interested and corrupt corporatist 'consensus' politics.
There were huge flappings and rumblings from Frau Donut Merkel in the European capi...ahem, German capital, Berlin. Flappings and warnings and cajolings about how Greece simply cannot renege on its bailout 'obligations' and how Greece leaving the Eurozone would be tantamount to the end of civilization as we know it.
Which is all nonsense, of course. Greece has been hijacked by European and American financial terrorists and their EU lackeys, not to mention Deutschland uber Alles, and all the 'debt' that has been repaid thus far has been to financiers and bankers and other such financial slimebags, and not a centime to the Greek national coffers itself. All this meaning that the 'inevitable' slashing of the Greek welfare state is taking place, leaving its populace ravished with less education, healthcare and pensions. And the Greek voters know that all too well.
So now the Greeks go back to the polls. It is my wish that they deliver the exact same message all over again - loud and clear to the powers-that-be in Athens, Brussels and, most of all, Berlin. Or even worse would be even better.
Muck and mayhem is what Brussels and Berlin deserve for what they have put the Greek people through. Even the collapse of the euro project would do very nicely, thank you very much.
Do you get my point?
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