My Woman of the Day is the remarkable Naomi Klein. She is the well-known author of "No Logo", her breakthrough 2000 study on how multinational corporations and the 'all-important brand' have taken over the world - whether it be with regard to social, labour and human rights, or the environment itself.
Canadian-born and residing in Toronto, she has lectured at the London School of Economics and has been a contributor to top newspapers worldwide, including Canada's "The Globe and Mail", "The Nation" and "The Guardian". She is a vociferous and well-spoken activist against the dangers of rampant uber-capitalism and all-out globalization and often appears at both conferences and rallies to lend her support and make her voice well and truly heard.
Whilst I have respect for her first book, "No Logo", I was in fact far more impressed and wowed by her 2007 book "The Shock Doctrine". This amazing book, chilly in its razor-sharp insight and historical context, shook me to the core and played a significant role in shaping much of my socio-political and economic thinking since then. I don't want to give away too much about it. Rather, if you have not already, I absolutely urge you to read this book IMMEDIATELY.
What impresses me so much about Ms. Klein is her exceptional research and attention to detail and evidence. Of course she has a very set and determined worldview, but she backs up her arguments and theses with outstanding, almost exhaustive empirical studies. As someone who has done his own share of scholarly studies, not to mention the ongoing research I do for my work, I am in awe of the sheer depth and weight of her studies and analysis. For that she cannot be faulted. And it was particularly in her book "The Shock Doctrine" that she did this to such stunning and convincing effect.

I too need to make mention of an excellent documentary that she and her equally passionate and intelligent husband, Avi Lewis, directed in 2004. It's called "The Take" and is a brilliant insight into the true story of a group of factory workers in Argentina who took over their shutdown factory and resumed work, if only for the sake of their families and their own dignity, in a collective spirit that was in turn both poignant, almost heartbreaking, and so uplifting. It's a brilliant piece of eye-opening, well-made documentary film making - please see it if you can.
Naomi Klein was born in the same year I was, just a few months earlier. I can say we share very much the same views and the same worldview - and yet she has accomplished so much more than I have to date. I am very humbled by that, even somewhat embarrassed, to be very frank.
Perhaps one day I shall be able to attain just a fraction of what this brilliant woman has accomplished in her work. For now, I am simply another fan - thankful that this compassionate person has opened up my eyes even more.
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