Russia Today (RT) is my second Site of the Day for today. I find myself quite surprised that I should be championing a Russian television station. After all, Russia's human rights record, not to speak of its current political and legal system, leaves a lot to be desired. Putin makes my skin crawl and what they have done in places like Chechnya is in many ways as bad as what the US has done in Iraq.
I must also admit that for a long time I took absolutely no notice of RT, given that it was (1) Russian and (2) most of the other national satellite stations leave a lot to be desired (Italy's RAI Internazionale, anyone?). Gradually, I started to watch their newscasts and I was impressed. Yes, the focus is decidedly and primarily on Russia and, to a lesser extent, Eastern Europe, but at least their international news is invigorating to watch. And their news doesn't seem as American worldview-biased and 'manufactured' as nearly all Western English-language news stations seem to be these days.
Furthermore, RT has some of the most interesting, unusual and informative documentaries around. And some of their half-hour and one-hour shows are really great watching. Again, not just packaged 'showbiz' news and debate for the sake of it. It's thanks to RT that I became aware of the sheer pleasure that is Max Keiser (a Man of the Day on my blog just a few days ago) and his weekly scathing and spot-on ranting and raving on the 'Keiser Report'.
I believe that they had some really controversial and head-turning billboards at UK airports at the end of 2009. They were even banned in most airports in the United States (typical knee-jerk reactionary nonsense to that which makes people uncomfortable. So much for free speeech in America). One can still see examples of these very challenging and clever ads on their website at rt.com/ads
Unlike many television stations, who have dry and stodgy websites, theirs is particularly appealing with interesting clips and articles on issues both in the news and very unusual.
At times the Russian accents do jar somewhat. And the spelling typos and unbelievably confusing headlines and scrolling news items can be both a hoot and a distracting annoyance. Nevertheless, I enjoy how 'out there' and defiantly Russian yet international this news station tries to be. And I commend them for that.
If you have access to satellite television that features RT, please take the time to watch a bit of it. It is also available online for free. You may just be pleasantly surprised. Just as I was.
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