What I especially like and admire about George Monbiot is how acerbic his wit and how razor-sharp his insight is on all issues that he wishes to comment upon. His website at www.monbiot.com and you really should visit it if you can. It is replete with brilliant articles of his on everything from the super rich to consumerism to the debacle that was the Copenhagen conference on climate change to a range of other issues.
However, it's Monbiot's single-minded focus (and obvious total contempt) for Tony Blair that has really triggered my further interest in him in recent weeks. If you're not aware of it, George Monbiot is the main instigator and founder of the website www.arrestblair.org, a brilliant effort of his to drum up support to have Blair tried and convicted for crimes against humanity based on his forays into the illegal Iraq war. In a nutshell, he wants the man arrested, hence the URL for the website. Potent stuff - and so necessary in this age of blatant, unapologetic political lies, not to mention widescale and almost total media complicity therewith.
I applaud any man with the sheer guts to advocate for the arrest of a former UK Prime Minister so openly and so vociferously. And I support him wholeheartedly. Blair should be arrested and tried for crimes against humanity and other war crimes. And don't get me started on that bowlegged American cowboy wannabe, George W. Bush...
George Monbiot is modern intellectual, clever pamphleteer and brilliant activist-scholar all rolled into one. I am in awe of the prowess and clarity of his intellect.
In him I have found another kindred spirit - a humanist who is appalled and angered by what he sees in this modern era. And, thankfully, he will not shut up about it.
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