Today is Sunday and I need to rave about something very simple - the sun is shining.
Anyone who reads this blog will know that I am one to rant with total aplomb and total conviction. It's who I am. And there is so much to rant about these days:
- The world gets madder by the day. America, Iraq, Iran, Israel, etc, anyone?
- The world seems to get more corrupt by the day. Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, corporate terrorists, etc, anyone?
- The world seems to disappoint all the time. Obama, Hilary, political vision, etc, anyone?
- Global warming is a threat, whatever the naysayers might bray to the contrary. The global economy is looking worse this year than it did last year. Celebrity culture is alive and kicking in all its vulgar stupidity. The rich seem to be richer and the rest of us seem to be poorer. It goes on and on and on...
So much to rant about.
But today I choose to rave about the fact that the sun is shining, the sky is blue, there's a light breeze in the air, and even Johannesburg doesn't look that bad for once.
Sometimes one needs to take a break from sweating (or fretting) the big stuff and just enjoy the small pleasures in life.
Today is a beautiful day. And for that I am grateful.
Very good, Toio!
I knew you could write beautifully. I'll have a peek at your Blog in the future. There are several links I'm interested in and of course, your own postings. Keep going
Hi Chico:
Wow, what a great compliment! I do appreciate it very much. Please do visit again and again. And keep reading those links on my blog - I know you'll really enjoy some of them. Take care.
Um abraco,
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