Saturday, January 15, 2011

RAVE: Whew for Portugal...

It came close, so very close...but at least Portugal was able to raise enough money on the sovereign bond markets to steer clear of having to take an EU/ IMF 'bail-out'...

That is, at least for now...

Who knows how much longer Portugal will be able to resist the incredible pressures no doubt being placed upon it by the Twin Vultures, the EU and IMF, to agree to take that toxic potion that is a 'bail-out'...

The vultures that are the EU and IMF is so aptly illustrated in this poster for an Irish anti-bail-out demo last year...

'Bail-out'...what an innocuous-sounding, even glowing spin on such a heinous, crippling form of financial terrorism for EU countries, all orchestrated out of Washington D.C., with the full acquiescence of Brussels (make that Berlin and Paris)...

Still, for now, Portugal has resisted... VIVA PORTUGAL WITHOUT EU/IMF ENSLAVEMENT!!!

Y ahora...Espana?

Do you get my point?

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