Wednesday, January 12, 2011

RANT: Leave Portugal Alone, Merkozy!

The year has barely started and already an EU member state is under enormous pressure from the Twin Towers of Financial Terror (aka the EU and IMF) to accept a bail-out due to 'sovereign debt' issues...

Last year it was Greece and Ireland that were forced to whore out their economies to EU-IMF bailouts (aka How-To-Impoverish-Your-Country-And-Enslave-Your-Citizens-And-Make-It-Look-So-Inevitable) - in the past few days it's Portugal that is coming under huge strain.

It's that bloody Eurotrash couple at it again - Merkel and Sarkozy, or as I like to dub them, 'Merkozy'.

Portugal's Prime Minister Jose Socrates has been making repeated and urgent assertions that Portugal does NOT require the bail-out and does not wish to take on such a loan. Hmmm, where have I heard that type of talk before?

What's that? Yet another European Prime Minister desperately declaring their country's ability to avoid a bail-out on the eve of being forced to take one. Sound familiar? Ireland, anyone?

What the hell is Portugal, a beautiful and small country with a proud history, doing in the illogical and inequitable monstrosity that is the Euro?  A club that was only meant for the likes of Germany and France - the richer, hypocritical lands of Merkozy.

Even Belgium can't afford being in the ironic is that?

I can only hope that Portugal will somehow be able to avoid this festering trap that is an EU/IMF loan - but, alas, I very much doubt it.

The country can ill afford having further slashing of its social services and pensions - it's madness.

Get your Franco-German hands off Portugal, Merkozy!

Do you get my point?

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