Sunday, January 23, 2011

RAVE: La Revolution Jasmine Continue...

Tunisia continues to astound. Rather, the people on the streets of Tunis continue to astound.

The Jasmine Revolution continues unabated. Now the police, national guard and fire brigade have joined the protesters in the streets to show their solidarity with the people of Tunisia.

The people, now joined by the said former 'guardians' of the ousted regime, continue to show their disapproval and even anger at any members of the old party, Constitutional Democratic Rally (RCD), still remaining in the new government of national unity. They want the RCD crowd out - all out.

And they're absolutely right to want them ALL out. To get rid of rubbish, one doesn't leave any of it behind in one's home. Tunisia cannot hope to start anew if there is still so much public anger against the entire former political party which held power so ruthlessly.

But we must all remain hopeful for the future of Tunisia, not to mention possibly other countries in the region too. Already there is talk of the 'Tunisia effect', which Dr. Larbi Sadiki, Senior Lecturer of Middle East Politics at the UK's University of Exeter, describes in Aljazeera as an 'effect' in which, "All Arabs feel emboldened and inspired by the overthrow of Ben Ali Baba's dictatorship. Tunisia now leads the way and others are closely watching. The Tunisia effect must be a democratic effect."

This is no doubt fast becoming one of the most astounding popular revolts in recent modern history.

People power to the hilt.

Do you get my point?

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