Tuesday, January 18, 2011

RAVE: Vive La Tunisie Libre


The amazing events of the last few weeks in Tunisia continue to unravel. It's simply amazing to watch as it unfolds on satellite television.

I really am in awe of what the Tunisian people have been able to achieve during this time.

History is unfolding right before our eyes.

I applaud the Tunisian people for their continued demonstrations in the streets against the vile oppression that was the Ben Ali regime.

I am in awe of the Tunisian people's unrelenting passion for change and for being a voice.

I applaud them even further for their continued insistence that the entire former ruling party be overhauled and not allowed in the new unity government. Too right.  

I watch in glee, knowing full well that other oppressive regimes in the Arab world must be shaking in their jackboots - whatever they might say in public to the contrary.

I love that this has been a revolution led by the middle-class in a country known for its well-educated and cosmopolitan people.

Now I can only continue to hope that the Tunisian people will get the democracy and the more free, open society for which they have fought so hard these past few weeks.

As I've said before, they deserve nothing less.

Vive the Jasmine Revolution!

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