Hi. I'm Vittorio Bollo. I make my point with my rants and raves on issues I care about - from the environment to globalization to politics to Slow Food to grammar to cinema to Formula 1 to...well, just about everything I care to comment on. Come and have a read...
Great idea! Much excitment in S.A. with this innovative choice.Like you I agree that their ads are absolutely fabulous. The one with the little Gauteng child playing on the beach in Durban and building sand castles with high fences around it is really great. Flew once with them and remember that the aircraft was very confined and tight.
Yeah, kulula certainly took yet another brave and very funny plunge with this latest PR innovation of theirs. This livery is just brilliant. And, you're right, that kulula ad about Joburgers on the beach in Durban was hilarious!
Two others to jog your memory:
1: The out-of-towner arriving in Port Elizabeth and being amazed at everyone going out of their way to smile and say hello at him (playing on how PE is the 'Friendly City')
2: The Durban surfer dude chatting up some girls on a Cape Town beach and then sprinting right into the water to show off his surfing prowess - and coming to a dead stop, shivering like mad (i.e. the water in Cape Town is freezing)
Fantastic and so funny to watch. It really has set itself apart in the market with its various campaigns.
But, yes, their aircraft are cramped and their 'no-frill's approach does irk one. I also had a horrendous experience with them once in which they left us stranded at Cape Town airport for hours on end, and it had to take staff from British Airways and SAA to help us get on other flights, calm us down, etc. Terrible. Jamais!
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