It seems appropriate that my first rant of my blog must have something to do with the war in Iraq. And, in particular, it has to do with that stooge and schmuck known as Tony Blair and his appearance yesterday before the Iraq Inquiry in the UK.
It took me a day just to compose myself and write this post.
Words cannot fully express how I feel about this. Not to mention how my stomach turned listening to his convoluted lies and backtracking on all that he did back in 2003. I couldn't watch much of it - my anger knew no bounds.
I say he's a stooge because any sane, objective person should know that he got the UK into an illegal, immoral and cynical (oil anyone?) war because of his 'special relationship' lapping up everything that bowlegged, cowboy wannabe joke known as Dubya had to say. And he's a schmuck because he, the Grand Machiavelli that saw the demise of the old Labour party and the ushering in of the travesty that is 'New Labour', is a disgraceful, false (little) human being. Or pod person - take your pick.
His smirking appearance before the Inquiry (a sham in and of itself, by the way) was unbelievable in the display of stupendous mendacity and sheer arrogance. Now the bastard claims that 'regime change' was the goal from the very beginning. Um, interesting, Mr. Bliar. That's NOT what you and El Presidente Arbusto said at the time, you lying, snivelling sack of shit. Oh Tonykins, your constant, deafening mantra at the time was but three letters - WMD. Remember? Not all of us are suffering from early onset Alzheimer's, you shameless liar.
He even had the gall to appear irritated and impatient with some of the Inquiry questions. Like some paternalistic headmaster tut-tutting that a bunch of schoolkids 'just don't get' how terribly 'difficult' and 'complex' his job was. Boo hoo. What a bloody nerve.
For all his countless lies to his own country and the rest of the world, for all the tens of thousands of deaths he and his Texan Neo-Nazi Ringmaster have caused in Iraq (alone) since 2003, I have only this to say - Tony Blair should be tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity. It's really quite simple.
Do you get my point?
I cannot agree more. Blair (et al) continue to ply their weakened but shameless arguments in favour of this illegal war, refusing to bow to public outcry....or indeed emerging evidence that reveals them for the liars they are. So much for democracy.
Hi and thank you for your comment. It is indeed shameless what Blair et al keep insisting on saying and doing with regard to this totally illegal and even immoral war in Iraq.
And I also share your last sentiment - it is indeed a case of 'so much for democracy'...so much more is the pity. We are all the losers for it.
Thanks once again. V
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