Have you heard of Max Keiser? Well, to be honest, I only recently heard about this renegade NYU-educated former stockbroker on Wall Street - and thank goodness I have.
The man is a breath of fresh air when it comes to ripping and tearing into the banking and political systems of today that have created the current economic recession in so many countries, not to mention the very decline of democracy itself.
After all, I know that I feel that there's a real sense of 'malaise' when it comes to the state of the world's economy and political state of affairs. A sense that this is increasingly an uber-rich person's world where most of us simply don't count at all. Don't you?
Well, Max Keiser taps into those feelings of alienation and frustration I feel - and, wow, does he pack it with a punch!
Max is a force of nature on television as he rips into everything that is so bad about the current global banking system - the banking system, loans and mortgages system, rich-protecting-the-rich syndrome, etc, not to mention the collusion between politicians and the super-rich in guaranteeing that the very rich are protected at all times and that laws are enacted thereto.
Need I say more about the recent US Supreme Court decision to now allow corporations to make limitless contributions to political candidates? You should have seen Max Keiser rip into THAT decision yesterday on satellite Russian TV (RTV) - brilliant stuff.
Max shouts, rants and raves like no other commentator I have ever seen on television - the man is unrelenting as he tears into leaders, institutions, corporations, politicians, special interest groups, and the like. And this man NAMES NAMES. There is no pussyfooting with him. He tells it as it is, in his rather shrill and bombastic but always hilariously funny and on-the-mark way.
He has his detractors, of course, and those who belittle or ridicule what he says or some of what he has propounded. He is divisive and he is corrosive and not to every one's liking at all - no doubt about that. 'Polite' and 'demure' he most certainly is not. Controversial and relentlessly in-your-face he most certainly is. And thank goodness for that.
This is precisely the type of voice we need in this world of corporate-sanctioned packaged news and endless soundbites that mean nothing to most of us and can hardly be trusted.
Please visit his site at www.maxkeiser.com and, if at all possible, try and watch his show on satellite station RTV at 6:30pm CET/CAT on Thursdays. The show is brilliant.
Max Keiser for President!
Jeez, if only one could live in a world like that...
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