Wednesday, February 2, 2011

RANT & RAVE: Mubarak - You Speak, They Speak

Hosni Mubarak clings onto power in Egypt like a gigantic, decrepit leech. 

Courtesy of Kerry Waghorn -
 After a week of protests unprecedented in Egyptian history, the man has the nerve to go on state TV last night and declare that he'll leave when it suits him, i.e. only in September. And he further insults the protesters by claiming that the protests have been manipulated by 'political forces' with their 'own agendas'.

No kidding, mister. The 'political forces' are people sick and tired of you, and their 'agenda' is kick you the hell out of power. It's really that simple.

Bloody bastard just won't let go - that's what you get when you have a ruthless dictator who's been in power for way too long, always with the support of the United States, Israel and other western countries. Talk about backing the wrong horse...

The people clearly want him gone, gone, gone.

There have been some placards with unequivocal messages (sic) for Mubarak during the protests, including:

Mubarak is a coward


Mubarak theres the door

One man even resorted to telling him in a host of languages where to go (see below):

And my personal favourite from a few days ago:

Mubarak you must leave
Then I go home
The end


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