Thursday, February 24, 2011

RANT: People of Libya, Give Gaddafi What He Wants

This is a man who has clung on to power for over 40 years....mercilessly.

This is a man whom Ronald Reagan (or someone of a similar neo-conservative ilk) once called the 'Mad Dog of the Desert'. Who knew I would one day agree with something said by Reagan or a Reaganite.

This is a man who has brought in foreign mercenaries to indiscriminately kill people in the streets and in their very homes, because his own army refuses to do it for him.

This is a man who says he will kill each and every person who has dared to speak up against him.

This is a man whose son, the prince-in-waiting, wagged his finger on TV and scolded his people for the uprising, warning darkly of civil war and other such atrocities. 

This is a man who has referred to Libyan protesters, his own people, please note, as "cockroaches".

This is a man who uses the word "cockroaches" against his own citizens - the chilling same language used by the Hutu leaders in the genocide against Tutsis in Rwanda back in 1994.

This is a man who has said and done things in the face of an uprising that not even Hosni Mubarak did.

This is a man who is out of control because he no longer is in control.

This is not a man - this is a contemptible tyrant, just another corrupt and megalomaniacal turd masquerading as a leader in a region that is now clamouring for better...much better.

Muammar Gaddafi has warned his people (as if they cared now) that he will 'fight to his very death' before relinquishing power.

People of Libya, please grant this bastard his wish.

Do you get my point?

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