Thursday, February 24, 2011

RANT: Goat Poo In International Banking

Oh boy, those financial terrorists are at it again.

The latest to come out of the ongoing lawsuits by JP Morgan Chase against Barclays bank and the failed financial giant, Lehman Brothers, is the stuff of high comedy.

Once again, this came to my attention after seeing an episode of the Keiser Report with the simply brilliant Max Keiser on Russia Today. Hail, Max!

It turns out that JP Morgan says it has evidence in the form of e-mails that Lehman employees at the time of the 2008 collapse referred to their bank's assets as "toxic waste" and even "goat poo'. Yip, goat poo.

And that Barclays bank, involved in buying out the failed Lehman Brothers, knew fully well about this and saved themselves from having to buy this goat poo.

Courtesy of
Poor goats - such lovely animals; as if they deserve their excrement to be compared to the excrement that are international investment bankers.

So now JP Morgan Chase is doing that which corporations, and especially financial powerhouses (read: thieves), do best: they're suing the crap out of one of their competitors. Or should that be suing the goat poo out of them?

As if JP Morgan Chase were so lily white in their own role in the financial terrorism that has crippled the global economy since 2008 and continues to do so...

They're all full of poo - goat or otherwise, and all these banks and financial terrorists deserve each other. To the hilt.

Do you get my point?

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