Courtesy of SuperSport South Africa
Schumi came back to Formula 1 in 2010 after a three year hiatus and his first retirement from the motorsport at the end of 2006. Expectations by all, fans (like me), detractors and sober commentators alike, with his return were HUGE. Everyone, myself included, fully expected Michael Schumacher to come back with a bang and take up his rightful place at the very top of this most supreme and elite of motorsports.
Alas, it did not turn out that way. Having left Ferrari in 2006 at least having had some race wins and a shot at the championship that year, he was forced to wallow for three long years from 2010-12 in a Mercedes team that was unreliable, usually not that quick and totally undeserving of his huge talents.
It was a waste, and for even some of his most ardent fans (and he has many) his baleful return for the past three years did go some way to tarnishing his incredible and awe-inspiring legacy. It was a pity, yes, but he gave it his all without ever once running down his team or the technical crew at Mercedes, as only Schumi only knows how to do.
Always the consummate professional and here and there he showed glimmers of the speedster and racing genius many of us came to love (like his blistering fastest time at qualifying for this year's Monaco Grand Prix). If only he had been given better equipment with which to take the fight to the likes of Vettel and Alonso and Hamilton, etc.
His always had his haters and detractors, and he did do some questionable things in his time. But, quite frankly, Scarlett: I don't give a damn. The man was a racing genius and a pleasure to watch on the track.
And it was only Michael Schumacher, together with a dream team that only joined Ferrari because of him, that managed to finally pull Ferrari out of years in the politics-riddled doldrums and downright embarrassing mediocrity. As an ardent tifoso, for that alone I will be forever grateful to him.
This is how I will always remember Michael:
Courtesy of Mibz
Although I am forever a Ferrari fan and those two scarlet cars are always foremost in my undying support and anguish on a racing weekend, it was still always good to be able to watch Michael in action. And just simply know that he was around, taking part in the action and having the time of his life. Always smiling, always waving at the camera.
I was truly devastated when Michael Schumacher retired the first time at the end of 2006. I remember having a knot in my stomach for days after his last race that season. For those, like my mother who had loved him since his early days at Benetton, it was as painful. He had been my unfailing hero, my touchstone for all those glorious years with Ferrari and, suddenly, he was gone.
Now this time around as he retires for a second time, I am not devastated nor was I that sad. I do wish he'd remained for longer, and I do believe he still had it in him to fight for wins. But, as I and so many other tifosi needed to move on when he left Ferrari (which has never really since been the same, by the way), Michael deserves now to finally rest on his enormous laurels. Yes, he too must move on.
It is sad to think of a 2013 Formula 1 season without Michael Schumacher on the grid, but, just like the first time, those of us who loved him as a driver will continue to be left with memories few other fans can profess to have.
And, oh boy, does he leave us 'Schumisti' with some terrific memories!
Danke, grazie, thank you, Michael - auf wedersehen...if only for now.
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