Wednesday, November 21, 2012

RANT: Gases A-Rising

Greenhouse gas emissions in the Earth's atmosphere, which are the leading contributor to human-caused climate change, went up even more in 2011 when compared to previous years. This is according to the United Nations World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), and as published online yesterday by Common Dreams

The graphs below for the three worst greenhouse gases, namely carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, and courtesy of Common Dreams and the WMO, say it all:

As stated in the Common Dreams article, "Greenhouse gas emissions in our atmosphere shattered all previous records in 2011, according to a new report by the UN World Meteorological Organization released [on Tuesday, November 20th]."

The article went on to say, in quoting the findings by the WMO, "In particular, planet-warming gas methane reached new highs in 2011, at 1813 ppb -- 259 percent above the pre-industrial level."

Something I almost shout from the rooftops every time I do a conference or seminar or training on climate change is the fact that the emissions are not going anywhere quickly, as evidenced on this statement by the WMO's Secretary-General Michel Jarraud: ""These billions of tonnes of additional carbon dioxide in our atmosphere will remain there for centuries, causing our planet to warm further and impacting on all aspects of life on [Earth]."

The Common Dreams article concluded by stating that, "The WMO report placed the blame squarely on human activities including fossil fuel use, cattle breeding, rice agriculture, landfills and biomass burning. Five major gases emitted in such practices account for 96 percent of the warming climate the groups said."

Yes, the usual culprits:
  • Fossil fuel use: Where are our electric cars and renewable energy on tap?
  • Cattle breeding: Note to all meat-eaters: enough said
  • Landfills: The best waste management strategy anyone can have? Try not to generate it
  • Biomass burnings: Thank you. Hence why I have never advocated biofuels as a truly renewable energy
And a not-so-usual culprit:
  • Rice agriculture: There's one I was not aware of...that does put my next Indian or Chinese meal in a new perspective...
Data like this that is released, however sensational and however worthy, can still make very depressing reading. Where does one go from here? How much of a change can one make in one's own life that is of any real meaning or benefit, never mind in the greater scheme of things?

What next indeed with knowledge and facts like these?

It can get overwhelming at times, all this doom and gloom about our ecological future. Or perhaps it's just that time of the year, where any new knowledge or foresight can hit a wall of humiliating inertia.

It can make one feel rather defeated. The trick is to try and force oneself to be galvanized once more.

Do you get my point?

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