Here are some important numbers at this moment in time - shameful numbers at that:
455: the number of rhinos killed in South Africa this year to the end of October:
Courtesy of Eye Witness News, South Africa
729: The international barcode number designated for products from Israel:
Courtesy of Zazzle UK
918: The number of days Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial:

Courtesy of The Bean Blog
150: The number of acres of rainforest burnt every minute of every day:
Courtesy of NASA Earth Observatory
37: Number of Palestinian children killed by Israeli attacks in 2012:
18-month-old Eyad Abu Khosa, killed in the November Israeli airstrikes - photo by Mahmud Hams, courtesy of Russia Today
0: Number of Israeli children killed by Palestinian attacks in 2012:
Courtesy of Al-Jazeera
They are in no particular order, as they all carry their own gravitas, and there are many, many other important numbers out there. The above were just a few numbers that have caught my attention thus far this year.
But there was a good number that came out of New York City last night:
138: The number of countries who voted in favour of Palestine being granted observer status (like the Holy See has) at the UN - 41 nations abstained and only 9 were opposed (I am proud to say that South Africa, Italy and Portugal all voted in favour)
Courtesy of Mondoweiss
There are indeed statistics, statistics and more statistics, but sometimes a number can tell the story.
Do you get my point?
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