Turns out that 'Red Ken' as he is known was quoted as saying, "Hang a banker a week until the others improve."
I fricking love it!
I heard about this for the first time yesterday on The Keiser Report on Russia Today. It certainly got the thumbs up from Max Keiser and Stacey Herbert! In fact, Max has been baying for the blood of bankers for months now. And in no uncertain terms.
Better still, Ken said this out loud at a business conference of all places. And, according to a spokesman of his, he's said the same thing "about twenty or thirty times before." Talk about a guy with balls the size of an elephant's!
Hurrah! At last, a well-known peson in the UK is openly verbalizing what so many of us 'down below' and around the world believe more and more - that the thieving, degenerate, corrupt banking scheisters that are literally decapitating the world should literally be hanged or shot so that the message gets out there to all banking terrorists:
Of course, there's been high and mighty 'shock' and 'dismay' from some in the City's banking community. According to Angela Knight, chief executive of the British Bankers’ Association, which these days is like being the head of the London Chapter of the Gambino clan, the industry employs half a million “ordinary, hard-working people” [yeah, who've aided and abetted in screwing over tens of millions of ordinary, hardworking people around the world], including 140,000 in London. “Continual demonisation of the entire banking industry . . . is unhelpful and won’t attract jobs and business to the UK,” she said.
Oh, boo hoo to you, you stupid banking bitch.
For too long the banking and financial mavens of the City in London, along with their mafiosi cohorts on Wall Street, have held sway over the world economy and socio-political discourse. With a strangle grip of Olympian proportions. And look at the disgusting mess they've left us in.
All power to Ken for having the balls to say out loud what so many of us want and discuss behind closed doors.
Ken is my Man of the Week - and perhaps beyond.
Do you get my point?
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