It's not even posturing - it's masquerading at its most gauche and downright embarrassing.
After all, who the hell are the United States (aka Pimp and Sugar Daddy Supreme to the Apartheid State of Israel), United Kingdom, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain et al really kidding with all this jumping up and down regarding Syria and the sudden 'insurrection' by a 'populist movement' against the Assad regime?
They're certainly not kidding me, that much is for sure.
I do believe the Tunisian revolution was genuine and, to a certain degree, so too the spontaneous outpouring in Tahrir Square that toppled the heinous Mubarak regime in Egypt. I cheered loudly and joyfully for the peoples of those countries in their quest to run out corrupt, violent regimes that had ruled them for too long and too hard.
The authoritarian governments in Jordan, Algeria and Morocco suddenly scrambled throwing rights and promises of social and economic reform to their people. The fear of those regimes was palpable. The Arab Spring felt real and like a delirious fever gripping the entire region, and much to my delight.
But the creepy, brutal quashing of the uprising in Bahrain (fully aided by Saudi tanks and military might, let us not forget) piqued me and provoked an uneasy, sickening stirring deep inside me. Then the travesty known as the Libyan 'civil war' came along, and that made it all too clear - ah yes, the manipulations and geo-political contortions of the United States and its Western-Arab puppets were well under way once more.
The invasion of a sovereign state like Libya on the pretext of 'aiding the human rights' of the civilian population, when we all knew it was all about the gooey black stuff in the ground and getting rid of a dictator who no longer served any purpose, was not only illegal under international law, but set yet another dangerous, perverse precedent in international affairs and diplomacy.
And now Syria. All the usual suspects baying that Assad simply must go, go, GO! - and it's all so utterly transparent and so utterly cynical.
Yes, we all know that Assad is a dictator and that an authoritarian regime is never benign or just. But why now? Why right now? And why not invade nearly every Gulf state if it all boils down to human rights and democracy (which we all know it doesn't)? Jesus, if there's one country that's deserving of a mega invasion to free its people from one of the most disgusting regimes on the planet, then surely it has to be the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?!
Syria would have been invaded a loooong time ago if it had more of that gooey black stuff in its ground. It doesn't, so it's been left alone. But now the United States of Pentagon and its various puppets have set their sights on taking on none other than Iran, with Israel screaming for blood like some vicious little senile bitch on the sidelines, so where to go first? Ah, of course - Iran's closest ally in the region.
Enter, Syria.
And so the charade will get more gargoylesque and more innocent blood will be shed and all for what? Just to eventually invade Iran and create even more mayhem just for the sake of the West's hyper-industrial-military complex and that most neurotic, schizophrenic nation of all, Israel?
The cancer of cynicism will just spread and spread and spread. That's all.
It's been said many, many times before throughout history, but these are troubling times indeed.
Do you get my point?
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