The latest 'bailout' of 130-billion euros is nothing of the sort - it's yet another wholesale pillage of public money by banking and financial terrorists under the guises of 'restructuring' and 'austerity measures' for a nation that is, essentially, bankrupt.
The only Greeks who continue to suffer are ordinary Greeks - now made to work longer hours than the Americans or Brits (as if that were a measure of 'productivity'), pay higher taxes than ever, take pay cuts of up to 30%, and still have all their social welfare programs slashed to almost nothing.
No wonder the Greeks are rioting in the streets and Athens looks perpetually bathed in the glow of angry fires.
For all these reasons and more, the only thing I can declare is:
Whether it's Greek sardines or Greek olives or Greek shoes or Greek anything, we need to buy Greek, Greek, Greek. Hell, I even bought sesame honey sticks the other day just because I saw they were made in Greece! And very nice they were too.
We all need to show our solidarity with the people of Greece. It's the least one can do for an ancient and proud culture that's having it's very democracy and very dignity hacked to pieces as I write this.
Do you get my point?
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