Here is a mix of things that I look forward to in 2011 (in no particular order):

* Wikileaks going from strength to strength - hmmmmm, this didn't really happen. We are all the poorer for that...
* Julian Assange left in peace to do what we all need him to do Hardly - he lost his extradiction to Sweden battle, and now he is appealing that too. 2012 could be very bad for him indeed...
* The alternative media going from strength to strength - a mixed bag judging by the successes of People Power in 2011, as well as the continued suppression of alternative media in many quarters...* A 'two-tier', more corporatist Internet being stopped in its tracks - a usurped, corporatist and less free Internet is still (shockingly) very much on the back burner (perhaps pipeline?)...
* The Euro possibly collapsing - or at least countries like Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Belgium going back to their former currencies - hurrah to the drachma, escudo, punt and Belgian franc! This didn't happen in 2011 - what a pity. Quelle damage!

* The cringe-worthy 'Tea Party' crowd in Washington D. C. being shown up for the showboating, embarrassing rightwing nut jobs that we all know they are - interestingly, this did come to pass in more ways than one. Most gratifying...
* Sarah Palin having less power and shutting that big, worthless poodle mouth of hers - thank goodness, this too came to pass. There must be a God after all, Sarah...
* Michael Schumacher winning races again in Formula 1 and proving why he's the best ever - go Michael! Unfortunately, this did not happen in the 2011 season. Go Michael!
* Less environmental disasters, wherever and however possible - again, as if. Fukushima, anyone?
* More medical breakthroughs, especially in stem cell research - not entirely sure on this score, but quite sure there wouldv'e been some amazing breakthroughs this year...
* More sanity in business, finance and the global financial markets - yeah, Vittorio, fat chance. The pillaging and financial rape by financial terrorists continued unabated this year...
* More social and political unrest and upheaval in China - it needs it, we need it - it happened to some extent, but nowhere as prolific or as damaging to China as I had wished...
* Less stupidity, bad grammar and bad manners, thank you very much! Next...
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