"Iraqis now no better off than they were under Saddam..."
Excuse me, correction if you please. It really should have read:
"Iraqis now worse off than they were under Saddam..."
Tyrant though he may have been (albeit a very convenient one for Western powers when it so suited them..), at least under Saddam the Iraqi people were the best educated in the Arab world, and amongst the best universities, hospitals and infrastructure in the Middle East. At least Baghdad was intact and considered one of the cleanest and most beautiful cities in region.

But all of that is very unimportant of course when the Iraqis now enjoy 'freedon and democracy', American style, not to mention being on the brink of civil war and Baghdad being this decade's equivalent of what Beirut was in the '70s and '80s.
Yes, this invasion was really worth it.
Well done, America, and your 'Coalition of the Willing'. A job very well done.
Do you get my point?
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