The savages that did this to him are some extreme Islamist group, known as 'Salafist jihadists', and who have already taken responsibility for his murder. May they all rot in their collective little Muslim hell, the bastards.
The referred to him as an 'infidel' and accused Italy of being an 'infidel nation'. Imagine - a word as primitive and medieval as 'infidel' still being used in the 21st century.
This is a man who left his native Italy in 2008 and, under the auspices of the NGO, International Solidarity Movement (ISM), entered Gaza by boat in order to voice his opposition, along with other peace activists, to the illegal and inhumane blockade of Gaza by Israel. I have read that he was very loved within Gaza and had many Palestinian friends and admirers.
And now, in this deepest and most sick of ironies, he gets killed by Palestinian terrorists, a group of fanatics amongst the very people to whom he came to show his most brave solidarity.
Or perhaps masterminded by Mossad? That certainly wouldn't surprise me.
Of course, the Israelis and Jewish/ pro-Israeli online press are milking it hugely for what it's worth. The irony is obviously not lost on them, and it serves only to reinforce their own twisted prejudices about the Palestinians, and make their own perverted country, the perversion known as the State of Israel, somehow the 'winner' in all of this. 'You see - they're barbarians, these Palestinians. They even kill those who come to support them and who hate us," you can almost hear the Zionist press crowing.
Palestinian terrorists, Israeli apartheid state, Zionist apologists - all part of the same, sick festering broth. Bastards, all of them.
I know it's because of his leftwing and anti-Israeli occupation beliefs that I have so much empathy for him. Perhaps it's too because he is an Italian and has the same first name as I.
Whatever his failings and whatever muck people might throw at him, this was no doubt a basically decent, courageous man of conviction who wanted to show his solidarity with the Palestinian people and show his outrage at the state of Israel.
And he dies alone in an abandoned house in this most shocking manner. A brave life cut short far too soon in a far too barbaric manner and already mocked by far too many.
He deserved so much better. May you, a man of peace, rest in eternal peace, Vittorio.
1 comment:
The true 'infidels' are the perpetrators of this heinous crime. If Allah is telling them to commit such evil acts, I wonder what the devil is doing..? The Islamic world needs to wake up to the dark truth and origin of many of their ideological beliefs, and start contributing positively to the human race to enable everyone on the planet (including their own people) the opportunity to flourish. We're all part of the same family. It's time for change.
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