Today it emerged that Transocean's top executives received their biggest bonuses to date, to the tune of millions of dollars, on the basis that 2010 was the company's "Best Year in Safety"...yip, that's right, their best year in safety!
Wait, let me get this right - this from a company directly involved in an explosion that killed eleven people, nine of which were Transocean workers, and, thereafter, caused the largest environmental disaster in United States history? And they see fit to give their f*#@ing executives a raise on the basis of that type of performance in safety?!
The catchphrase underneath the corporate logo seems so apt: "Now nothing is beyond your reach". Well, certainly nothing is beyond the reach of a greedy Transocean executive, that's for sure
People may argue that the spill was primarily the issue, and that was an environmental disaster, not a safety one. But the spill was caused by the explosion on the oil rig, which, in turn, killed nine workers. That is most certainly a safety issue. And a safety f*#*-up. Of monumental proportions.
I'm sure the families of the nine men killed in the blast must be real thrilled that the executives at Transocean are getting a big fat pay bonus on the basis of their sterling safety work in 2010. Real thrilled.
There is absolutely no justification for this 'safety-based' performance bonus for these execs. In any way, shape or form.
If anything, it's just in unbelievably bad taste. And, yet again, proves just how arrogant, self-aggrandizing and woefully unethical corporations and their executive spawn can be.
Do these people have no shame?
Or do they hide behind the protective nothingness that is the corporation? Yes, that must be it. Yet again.
Do you get my point?
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