It's official: the nuclear plant disaster at Fukushima in Japan is being put on a par with Chernobyl, the nuclear disaster that horrified the world back in 1986.
To directly quote the Associated Press:
"Japan raised the severity level of the crisis at its crippled nuclear plant Tuesday to rank it on par with the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, citing cumulative radiation leaks that have contaminated the air, tap water, vegetables and seawater.
Japanese nuclear regulators said the rating was being raised from 5 to 7 — the highest level on an international scale overseen by the International Atomic Energy Agency — after new assessments of radiation leaks from the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant since it was disabled by the March 11 tsunami.
The new ranking signifies a "major accident" that includes widespread effects on the environment and health, according to the Vienna-based IAEA."
Geez, this Fukushima power plant is becoming a real poster child for the nucear energy industry, is it not?
This is the best we can do?
Yet there will be people who will no doubt keep insisting that nuclear power is a viable alternative energy source
Yet there will be people who will no doubt keep insisting that nuclear power plants are fundamentally safe for the environment and to human health
Yet there will be people who will no doubt keep insisting that nuclear is a far better and more practical energy choice than are the likes of wind and solar and wave and other renewable energy sources
Uh huh. And in every single generation there are those that are devious or liars or self-interested or greedy or even simply delusional; those that will stand for anything, even if it is sheer madness to do so. Every. Single. Generation.
And they are damned by history; sadly, often when it is already too late.
Are you listening, George Monbiot and your fellow (demented, stupid, dangerous) nuclear apologists?
Do you get my point?
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