The year has barely started and already an EU member state is under enormous pressure from the Twin Towers of Financial Terror (aka the EU and IMF) to accept a bail-out due to 'sovereign debt' issues...
Last year it was Greece and Ireland that were forced to whore out their economies to EU-IMF bailouts (aka How-To-Impoverish-Your-Country-And-Enslave-Your-Citizens-And-Make-It-Look-So-Inevitable) - in the past few days it's Portugal that is coming under huge strain.
It's that bloody Eurotrash couple at it again - Merkel and Sarkozy, or as I like to dub them, 'Merkozy'.
Portugal's Prime Minister Jose Socrates has been making repeated and urgent assertions that Portugal does NOT require the bail-out and does not wish to take on such a loan. Hmmm, where have I heard that type of talk before?
What's that? Yet another European Prime Minister desperately declaring their country's ability to avoid a bail-out on the eve of being forced to take one. Sound familiar? Ireland, anyone?
What the hell is Portugal, a beautiful and small country with a proud history, doing in the illogical and inequitable monstrosity that is the Euro? A club that was only meant for the likes of Germany and France - the richer, hypocritical lands of Merkozy.
Even Belgium can't afford being in the ironic is that?
I can only hope that Portugal will somehow be able to avoid this festering trap that is an EU/IMF loan - but, alas, I very much doubt it.
The country can ill afford having further slashing of its social services and pensions - it's madness.
Get your Franco-German hands off Portugal, Merkozy!
Do you get my point?
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