One would be hard-pressed to find a less pretentious-looking, less fussy or less 'flashy' website on the entire Internet, yet even the purveyor of possibly the most famous crossword puzzle in the world enthuses about the site:
"The most welcomed, most enduring piece of daily mass e-mail in cyberspace."
The site doesn't even have a viable logo for me to place here and pump its name!
I subscribe to the daily newsletter from this golden nugget of a website, which means that every day I am treated to the pronunication, meaning, etymology and usage of a given word. Hardly an example-a-day goes by where I am not in some way educated, amused or even astounded by words and where they come from and what they mean to us. All because of this little, wondrous site.
In an Internet filled with a mind-boggling web of flash, glibness and shallow titillation, a simple, unfettered site like Wordsmith is reason for unwavering support because it exults in that most simple of thing that binds us all: words.
Rest assured, these are three of the most comforting bylines for any lexiophile on the Web:
It's FREE.
Or should that be 'lexiphile?' I'm sure Wordsmith would let me know.
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