The European Union is awarded this year's Nobel Prize for Peace...
Image courtesy of Russia Today
Yes, I still can't believe it...
The EU wins a prize for PEACE?!!!
The European Union won the much-coveted peace prize for its efforts to promote peace and democracy in Europe. This, as we all know, whilst the EU is in the midst of its biggest crisis since the creation and establishment of the-then European Economic Community and earlier incarnations since the 1950s.
"The stabilizing part played by the EU has helped to transform most of Europe from a continent of war to a continent of peace," according to the committee.
The evidence is here, folks, plain to see:
The world has indeed gone well and truly mad (suspected for some time now)...
Armageddon is indeed upon us (that's what you get for not hedging your bets, Vittorio)...
The Mayans were right after all (I didn't see that coming)...
Aliens are about to invade (thank goodness, at least that)...
After all, if the Nobel panel could see fit to award a prize for peace to a bloc of nations as collectively (some more than others, it should be noted) destructive and war-mongering as the European Union, then one can only assume that the end of the world is truly nigh.
Not to mention that many of the world's top ten sellers of arms are comprised of EU nations (with Germany 3rd, France 4th, the United Kingdom 5th, Italy 7th and Sweden 9th, as ranked in sales of 2001-2012, as per stats given by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute).
"A continent of peace?" Are they for real?
How can one even begin to take such news seriously and somehow attempt to deconstruct it in a meaningful, sober manner?
When something is so patently absurd, it deserves nothing but derision and ridicule.
However, this is, after all, the same Nobel committee that saw fit to award Barack Obama of all people the same prize back in 2009. And we all know what a champion for everlasting peace he has been for the world.
Nobel Peace Prize? This year, unfortunately, it's more like the Nobel Dreck Prize.
Do you get my point?
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