I know I've attacked this inane, frothy bitch on heat before on my blog, but, my word, does she make it easy.

Cariciature courtesy of paper-pencils-pixels.blogspot.com
Her latest little nugget of knee-jerk, soccer mom political wisdom? She's now urging Republican presidential (un)hopeful Mitt Romney to accuse Barack Obama of being a "socialist." Yeah, that's right, Barack Obama is a socialist, as according to this nincompoop of a boobs for brains.
A socialist? You're kidding, right, little Nanookette of the North?! Does this woman even know what socialism actually means? I would agree if one called Obama a sell-out, an opportunist, a wimp, a warmonger in sheep's clothing - any of those labels, yes, but a socialist?! Oh, please.
Obama wishes he would have the balls and the moral fiber to be more socialist.
Now, we all know that Americans foam at the mouth and get all rabid about the word 'socialism, ' it being a dirty, dirty, filthy word in Pax Americana; just one level up from that other dirty, dirty, filthy word in American words, 'liberal.'
It's so childish, so tiresome.
And for anyone who starts raving about the collapse of the USSR and the Eastern bloc countries, please kindly go and read your politics and history, and understand that there is quite a gulf of difference between socialism and communism. I would never consider myself a communist - far from it. But being labelled a socialist? Especially if is the socialist hybrid of social democracy that gave us the fair, just and inclusive welfare state systems of many Western European countries in the post-war period? Well, now we're talking.
A ditsy little twerp like Sarah Palin is the epitome of why the United States is an empire in the most pathetic of decline. She knows so very, very little, yet she flounces her false locks and bats her false eyelashes and espouses her non-opinions as if she were the modern equivalent of the Oracle at Delphi.
No, Madam Nutcracker, Obama is not a socialist. He wishes he were. Whereas you, my dear, are beyond contemptible and should be spat upon by a thousand baboons on an hourly basis for perpetuity.
Do you get my point?
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