"After all, the president is well-known for being a huge humanitarian."
Barack Obama is a "humanitarian?!"
Lady, what parallel universe are you living on?!
This man, in whom so many believed so much before he was elected (yours truly never amongst them, let it be said), and who promised so much, has turned out to be an even bigger warmonger than even George W. Bush was, for crying out loud!
So why is it that he is still revered as being a "humanitarian" by so many people, even as he only spoke about war when receiving his Nobel Peace Prize, even as we all know he'll try invading Iran once re-elected, even as Guantanamo Bay remains open for business, even as America looks poised to confront even Russia and China, even as dissent in America is oppressed like never before? And all under his watch and with his full blessing.
One of the weakest and most incompetent American presidents in the modern era, he compensates his many inadequacies by playing that perennial American favourite - the playground bully and supreme warmonger. Yet he is the "humanitarian?"
Based on what, you stupid bitch?
Then I quickly realized: it's all about perception. We all knew what a warmonger George W. Bush was. But he was also a Texan and quite ugly and monumentally stupid. We all know what a warmonger Obama is. But he is America's redemptive president given his skin tone, he is photogenic and comes across articulate enough. So some people think he's a good guy, a humanitarian, someone to be respected. Pish. Tell that to a Pakistani mother who's child was ripped apart by a drone. Tell that to a young suspect rotting away at Guantanamo without even having been formally charged or brought before a proper judge. Tell that to Bradley Manning.
Cynical, scary world we live in - a world saturated by soundbites and cliches so huge they can consume one if one isn't very careful.
Perception really is everything - especially when it comes to warmongering American presidents.
Do you get my point?
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