Turns out that forensic auditing of Silvio Berlusconi's private accounts whilst Emperor, I mean Prime Minister, of Italy show that the man spent unbelievable amounts of public money on 'entertainment.'
His private secretary (a man, unbelievably) readily admits most of this fun and play money was to pay high-class female 'companions' (read: hookers) to live the high life (and entertain Berlusconi, of course) at various villas throughout Italy.
This is hardly shocking given that Emperor Silvio is a known womaniser with an insatiable predilection for copious amounts of sex, especially with very young women. And, quite frankly, rather the Borgia antics of Italian and French leaders than all that tiresome puritanical holier-than-thou nonsense of Anglo-Saxon politicians. At least all that sex and mayhem is fun and far less hypocritical.
Some of the world's vilest leaders were also highly monogamous men faithful to their partners - Hitler, Hoxha and Ceausescu to name just a few.
No, what was shocking was the amount of money that Berlusconi splurged on these fair lasses. In just two years he squandered 20-million euros on these lovely ladies alone.
Cartoon courtesy of www.cartoonmovement.com
20-million euros!!!

Cartoon courtesy of www.caricaturez.blogspot.com
Jeepers creepers! Just how much screwing can any one man get up to? And I mean up to. I want whatever that man's having - I mean, where did he get all the energy?! Berlusconi makes the sex-addicted character played by Michael Fassbender in the film Shame look like a Trappist monk.
The fact that this mafioso billionaire Energizer bunny was squandering huge amounts of public money by banging away whilst Italy sank deeper and deeper into debt is of course beyond the pale. The total lack of any ethics by this most self-interested and diabolical little man is no surprise, but the numbers are still shocking.
The sheer mendacity of the super rich elites continues to be breathtaking.
The Borgias would indeed have been proud.
Do you get my point?
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