Funny how after over a week of peaceful demonstrations and no visible Mubarak supporters there are suddenly thousands of them throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at the anti-Mubarak throngs. And this just a day or so after Mubarak's 'promise' to leave by September was downright (and rightly) rejected by the demonstrators. Funny that.
He is even willing to see his own people descend into possible civil war just to save his sorry ass. Talk about a desperate, pathetic man.
The Arab world has been ominously quiet about events in Egypt. Hardly surprising when one considers how many Arab leaders must be freaking out that the Tunisia and Egypt contagion spreads into their own oppressed states. Iran has come out in vocal, public support of the demonstrators. Clever Iran.
Even more telling is how Mubarak has lost what was the tepid, very cautious support of the United States since this broke last week. This from a nation who had propped him up all these years and who once saw him as a vital bulwark against heaven-knows-what in the region. That's gone. Today the US State Department was quoted as stating that there needed to be a 'peaceful transition of power in Egypt' and, more tellingly, that it needed to be 'now'. The key word is now, Mubarak. That's state-speak for 'get-the-hell-out-of-office-because-you-can-no-longer-count-on-us-for-support.'
With friends like that, who the hell needs enemies, right? Oh, divine justice.
So, who does Hosni the Hated have left now? Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, that's who.
Netanyahu has been the only leader who has stated that Mubarak out of power will somehow mean the collapse of Egypt and great danger to the Middle East. What a pile of rubbish. No, Israel, all you are is poep scared that the cosy and compliant buffer you had in the dictator Mubarak will now be gone. Israel needs a divided, undemocratic and oppressed Arab world around it. It justifies how 'democratic' Tel Aviv claims it is and how 'necessary' Israel is as a bastion of 'Western values and democracy' in a sea of Muslim and anti-West fanaticism.
Israel sure as hell doesn't need a bunch of more democratic Arab states surrounding it that no longer wish to kiss America's ass on the Israel-Palestine issue. How will it be able to justify being an apartheid state?
Yeah, when you're a dictator and the whole world is turning against you, including the imperial power itself, then all you have left is the support of an oppressive, schizophrenic little apartheid state. That figures.
Mubarak and Netanyahu make absolute sense as firm (and very scared) friends against a rising tide of change and nascent democracy in the Middle East.
You deserve one another, you bastards.
Do you get my point?
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