The data is from the very best and most reliable sources - and it is scary in offering proof positive that the adage 'the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer' is real - very real.
The link to this brilliant article, entitled "It's the Inequality, Stupid" is at
I just had to include some of them here in my blog. Again, all courtesy of Mother Jones.
The first shows just how much of the national US income 'pie' the very richest, i.e. the top 1% richest, gobble up:
Thereby proving that:
How Wall Street and corporate CEOs continue to get richer and (filthy) richer:
And explaining just why the US Congress is so damn cosy with Wall Street:
And perhaps most shockingly of all, if that's at all possible:

And Americans continue to be completely oblivious to just how MASSIVE the income gap is in their own country:
It's beyond shocking. It's outrageous, and makes me so angry. I've always known about the huge income gap in the United States, but it's still quite something to see it so graphically. It's the old classic - one knows something, but it's until one sees it with one's eyes, that the full extent thereof becomes so horribly real.
And these inequalities are probably as bad if not even worse in the majority of countries around the world. Countries like Brazil, Indonesia, India, the Philippines, and a host of other countries, including in the developed world (the UK, anyone?), immediately come to mind.
As well as South Africa, of course. Trust me, this is one country with a ruling kleptocracy that rivals the very best kleptocracies parading behind the guise of a 'free, democratic capitalist state' in the world.
This is not an American thing. It's a global thing. And it affects most of us, the 'other' 90%...
It's an indictment of our time, an indictment on what raw casino capitalism has become. When will its time be up?
Do you get my point?
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