- What the hell is Germany of all countries doing in the Afghan debacle? I say "of all countries" given that Germany itself has a huge Muslim population. It was also at the centre of one of the cells of terrorists (the so-called 'Hamburg cell') that did their bit to wreak havoc on September 11th, 2001. Does it make any sense for Germany to be involved in any conflict in the Middle East which will definitely raise the ire of many of its own (and other) Muslim people? Just how safe do all Germans feel with this type of action by their government?
- Why is Germany involved in a war to which over 75% of its population is opposed, according to polls in that country? What is it with these leaders of countries that sees them seeing fit to indulge in ludicrous wars in other countries, when their very own people are so vehemently opposed? We all know what a rightwing heifer Angela Merkel is, but where does democracy and 'the will of the people' enter into this equation? Yes, I know, I know - democracy is only sporadically necessary, e.g. when looking for votes leading up to election day in your own country or pontificating at other countries for their own 'lack' of 'true democracy'.

- And what is this nonsense about people dying from 'friendly fire'? Just what exactly is meant by this oxymoron of a phrase, used with such wild abandon by the military and the media alike around the world? As if it somehow makes it better than one gets killed because the bullets or bombs or whatever other human-killing paraphernalia comes from one's own side or 'allies'. Or perhaps said bullets or bombs or other killer paraphernalia come up and shakes one's hand just before blowing one's head or body or whatever to bits. Perhaps?
- And, finally, just what is this entire 'international presence' in Afghanistan really all about? What has it ever really been about, besides some cockamamie retaliation against an entire country (read" mostly thousands of innocent civilians) just because the then government gave some shelter and support to al-Qaeda leading up to and after 9/11? Why, pray tell, has Saudi Arabia not been blown to Thy Kingdom Come given that 17 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi nationals, not to mention the fact that their guru and lead henchman, Mr bin-Laden is himself a Saudi?
Yes, yes, I know - Saudi Arabia can't be blown to smithereens given it is a robust democracy renowned for its freedom of speech and sparkling human rights record and non-sexist, non-homophobic and non-racist policies within its own borders. Or maybe it has a little to do with all that oil in Saudi soil and on which so much of the world depends?
Afghanistan, on the other hand, is just a disgustingly poor country replete with endless mountains, no love for democracy and human rights (unlike the Saudis, of course) and whose only contribution to the world economy is to make people high. They deserve to be blown up into nothingness and told what to do by a bunch of foreigners led, as ever, by that Hypocrite Bastion of Democracy, the United States, and its little poodle sidekick, the UK. Oh, yes, and Germany, amongst a few others.
And don't get me started on the whole 'NATO presence' in Afghanistan thing. You must be making reference to the 'Pentagon in Europe' when mentioning NATO, right?
It's all so utterly pathetic and hypocritical beyond belief. And in the end, thousands upon thousands of Afghan people will have died. Not to mention quite a few soldiers from quasi-democratic states like Germany. 'Quasi democratic' because to hell with what their citizens have to say, right? Countries who have no business poking their Pinocchio-like noses into a region as volatile and as demented as the Middle East.
It's time Germany got its militaristic ass out of Afghanistan. Oh, and you might as well add the UK to that as well. And Poland. And a few other 'well-meaning' countries wishing to stake their claim on the international relations scene, when they should know their voices count for zilch in this world led by the likes of the US, China and Russia. Not to mention the United States itself.
Get the hell out of Afghanistan, folks.
Or as the Germans would say: RAUS!
Do you get my point?
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