The mean-spirited harridan in question is the CEO of Yahoo!, a certain Marissa Meyer. She caused quite a sensation in the upper echelons of blue chip corporate America at the beginning of the month when she cancelled her company's generous flexitime and work from home working policies for its employees all over the world.
It made headline news - and no doubt gave many corporate honchos wet dreams the world over.
Nothing like slashing hard-earned and deserved rights to have a more pleasant, humane means of earning a living.
This from a cutting-edge IT company that has for some years now considered one of the most progressive workplaces and best companies to work for, not only in Silicon Valley, but anywhere in the world.
Not now, because along the biggest Scroogette of them all, a certain Ms. Meyer. What raised the ire of so many of her employees, and countless others around the world, myself included, is that not only has this corporate frau set back the clock in terms of corporate working hours and other cherished strides in making the workplace more humane, but that she's also a bloody hypocrite: because it was reported that whilst she insists that Yahoo! workers worldwide must give up working from home and being able to raise their children and having a semblance of a bloody life, she has her own little son in a private nursery right next to her no doubt very plush office at Yahoo! HQ.
Typical - nothing like double standards by the corporate high and mighty when they're at the top - it's the whole 'I'm-the-Boss-therefore-what-I-say-goes-and-so-what-if-the-rules-don't-apply-to-me that pervades most corporations and skins lesser employees of their own sense of dignity in the workplace.
I detest this woman because:
- She sets back the clock - and I do not like people who do any such thing in the already often soul-destroying place that is having to make a buck to earn a living
- Yahoo! set the benchmark for all the right reasons - now corporations will use it as their benchmark for all the wrong reasons
- She's just another woman in a position of power trying to be an even bigger bastard than most men, just to prove how 'touch' she really, really is
- You just know this will have the blessing of most shareholders and other 'investors' in Yahoo! who don't give a flying damn about how much better it is that employees get treated like adults with a life beyond being captive prisoners in a corporate hellhole
- What she proposes is anti-labour, anti-environment, anti-sustainability and, above all else, anti the future and where work should be heading
But taking a look at her picture says it all: severe blonde hair cut so straight it wouldn't budge in a hurricane, pursed, pinched Anglo Saxon lips and that smug Ivy League expression we all love to hate. It's a face dying to be slapped:
Photo courtesy of The Columbus Dispatch
Yes, I detest everything this woman stands for. Yes, I don't know her - and I shouldn't give a damn as it hardly affects me. But I do, because in this ever-globalized, ever-homogenized world, decisions like this have ripple effects everywhere.
And that is why I have made Yahoo!'s corporate honchette my absolute Bitch of the Year.
You so thoroughly deserve it, Ms. Meyer.
I think Marissa Mayer is a bitch too..and I don't even know her. She was basically just an engineer who got lucky by virtue of being employee number whatever at google who got good press by virtue of being a pretty woman in a nerdy tech field. She had an affair with one of the Google founders, failed to distinguish herself at Google and then got appointed CEO of Yahoo by virtue of those connections and her good looks.
She has no vision, common sense, or leadership ability. I have seen her on YouTube, giggling like a bimbo, with her focus being on conspicuous consumption, attending fashionable parties with other fashionable people, and splashing shareholder's money around, like an out of control society bitch.
She tried to mimic Steve Jobs (Marissa is no Steve jobs!) by focusing on artisty and just bought product after product without thought or consideration to value, strategy -- most of which appeared to be buy outs to acquire those employees and otherwise divert Yahoo's wealth to her friends from Google.
She clearly was out of her depth and yet paid hundreds of millions of dollars FOR WHAT? Being one of the first pretty blondes from Google who excelled at playing the press while driving the company over which she had stewardship into the ground.
Basically, she comes across as a nerdy engineer who was good at passing tests, writing code, and being a brown noser. Dime a dozen good student, but without vision, edge, courage, leadership, anything remotely distinguishing herself beyond being a pretty blonde in a nerdy field -- who then tried to pass herself off as some kind of fashion icon and seductress, as if that's what Yahoo needed to pull itself out of the sewer...And don't get me started on her stupid, idiotic Great Gatsby party....
She didn't build or create anything, she just joined what others created and then repeatedly drove that into the ground -- from Google to Yahoo. Her decisions were stupid and vapid from hiring has been Katie Couric, whom the public had already rejected after her failed anchorship, to other celebrities, weak Yahoo content...She couldn't create value, discern and hire the right talent, or improve Yahoo in any discernible way....
Yet, despite these glaring failings, she is worth hundreds of millions of dollars for screwing a Google chieftain and being at the right place at the right time...when otherwise she would be an average, if promiscuous, engineer maybe earning $60k to write code.
Society rejoiced when people who worked hard, sacrificed are rewarded for their talent, like JK Rowlings, who incidentally give back. Mayer comes off as all about her, like a snooty, bitch, arrogant brown noser with little to be arrogant about. She is not even a real blonde -- her hair is mousey brown. Look at her school photos.
I'm a WASP, and even I hate her and think she is a bitch. I am rejoicing in her downfall and pubic humiliation as schadenfreude. She thought she was all that but in the end she wasn't, much like that Theranos chick, who made a billion only to be called out for being a fraud. Mayer is a fraud too.
It's irksome Mayer is worth so much money when her value is it's unclear what she possibly did to deserve that unless the salary was a pay off from Google to drive its competition into the ground and shovel the money out the door to her friends and allies. Didn't this bitch also deceptively serve on Yahoo's compensation committee, pushing for the highest salary possible for the incoming CEO, before finally letting on that she was going to be that person?,
Mayer is the CEOs of Pokemon Go or the pet rock...something that made a fortune, for reasons in retrospect that were unclear, a fad, if you will....only to prove to be just a rock or a game that transforms you into a zombie. She is pretty but useless.
She would have made a great Stepford wife who spends her rich husband's fortune on a collection of shoes that would make Imelda Marcos jealous, but CEO, no. She can't leave Yahoo soon enough as far as I am concerned. I seriously hope she is sued for every dime she has and made to pay her earnings back. An investigation should be done into how that bitch got appointed in the first, some 30-something, piddling engineer with a big title from Google by virtue of being employee number whatever, despite her absence of experience or become CEO of Yahoo. Did she sleep with the hiring board at Yahoo too. She smacks of poor judgment, entitlement, vacuity who spent more time worrying about fashion and how she looked in front of the mirror than her job. Classic narcissist!
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