A play on the words 'cyber' and 'paparazzi,' this portmanteau will no doubt become an increasing part of our lexicon as more and more people discover just how very little privacy one has online these days.
And all the paparazzi do is make the lives of celebrities and the rich and famous a living hell with their constant prying and clicking away. To be honest, their work, vacuous as it is, can even be fun for the rest of us. But the work of the cyberazzi is anything but mindless pop culture in overdrive, snapping away at useless princes caught naked and ditzy reality starlets bonking on yachts.
It is far more sinister than that.
'Data mining' is the bland, innocuous-sounding term that gives these cyberazzi their blanket cover so that they can pry ever more into our tastes, purchases, opinions and very lives using software and cutting edge spy technology that grows in sophistication at a seemingly exponential rate.
And all of it at our expense.

Courtesy of Bright Base
What is their purpose? Why must so much of our cyber lives be up for grabs? To whose benefit? And why?
Forget Big Brother - this is Big Daddy. And he's the suspicious, devious and soulless type. Certainly not to be trusted or loved.
Do you get my point?
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