I came across an excellent article today on Yahoo! Sports' ThePostGame. Written by Lisa Hoehn of the Active Times, and entitled "Lance Armstrong Myths Debunked," it provides very believable evidence of just how many myths have surrounded the entire Lance Armstrong doping scandal.

Courtesy of The Observer
Many of these myths were created and brandished by Armstrong and his handlers, of course.
The five myths debunked included:
- Armstrong took up to 600 drug tests. False. He barely took over 200
- And he passed all his drug tests. False. He failed at least two - read the article for more
- Drug tests would have found PEDs (performance enhancing drugs) in his body. False. And it's not that difficult to pass one, so it appears
- Lance was still a winner amongst a field where everyone was doing it anyway. False. There were cyclists speaking out against all the doping. And is that really the point anyway?!
- He founded and is the heartbeat of Livestrong, a basically terrific charity for cancer patients and cancer research. Mostly false. Especially when one reads what journalist Bill Gifford has to say (read here) about the organisation and its (in)famous poster boy. And Livestrong, for all its good, hasn't donated to cancer research in years.
Boy, how all the you-know-what is flooding and stinking up all over the place since he was forced to show some contrition and confess all to Oprah Winfrey this past week. He basically had no choice, of course, and those endorsements were hemorrhaging big time.
Never mind the mounting lawsuits against ol' Lance - every single one of them very deserved and a classic case of poetic justice.
I have no patience or a shred of sympathy for Lance Armstrong. He's a sporting fraudster and a moral charlatan, who smugly rode the high waves of celebrity and mega endorsements for many years, only to come crashing down on the rocky shores of his monumental ego and neverending lies.
He knowingly destroyed careers and played the moral high ground, even though he was the biggest liar and cheat of all. He is nothing more than a contemptible asshole.
I wish upon Lance Armstrong an endless tide of legal writs, financial ruin and ever diminishing returns on his so-called 'legacy' and undeserved celebrity. He deserves nothing less.
Do you get my point?