And time and time again the confident, fully legible signature on the cartoon has read: Latuff
Carlos Latuff is the name, and drawing stunningly intelligent cartoons is his game.
Photo of Carlos Latuff courtesy of Ziomania
Latuff is a Brazilian freelance political cartoonist who has credentials that I for one consider impeccable: anti globalisation, anti-capitalist and anti-American intervention everywhere it possibly can. In fact, he is clearly a man of conscience who is anti everything that is unjust, unfair and inhumane.
Like any cartoonist worth his salt, I will allow just a few of his cartoons (all of them courtesy of the Latuff Cartoons blog) do the talking:
On the future of an Islamist Egypt:
The American obsession with guns:
The European Union being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize:
The hypocrisy of the 'anti-gay' movement (from a Brazilian publication, in which the pastor shouts out, "Cure this gay now!", and then thinks to himself, "Hmmmmm! He is cute!"):
Netanyahu and Zionist imperialism:
More on Israeli aggression:
His cartoons go on and on and on. I could dedicate entire pages of my blog just to his brilliant, often humorous and thought-provoking artwork. In fact, I could dedicate an entire blog just to that!
It is the simplicity of his lines and his unflinching manner of conveying a message that first caught my eye and continues to appeal to me, time and time again.
This is the first time that I have selected a Cartoonist of the Year for my blog. But this genius artist deserves no less.
I do so unreservedly and looking forward with much glee and anticipation to many more years of this man's outstanding wit and artistry. I cannot wait.
Viva Latuff!
Photo courtesy of Ziomania
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