Clearly progressive/ liberal and anti-Republican/ conservative to the hilt, the site's most interesting feature is a series of brilliantly executed posters that evoke the splendid posters of the 1940s, but very much modern themed and very, very anti-conservative. Below are just two examples of their excellent fare:
Better still is the deep irony used in so many of the posters, playing on the bombastic and nonsensical vitriol that conservatives so love:
Great stuff. I just love it when liberals show they too can have balls and stick it to the other side - and, oh my, don't conservatives just make that so very, very easy!
Below are two posters from this terrific site, one gloriously retro, the other more mdoern, that really do say it all in this era of American-led paranoia (read: control) in the name of "terror" and "security":
Do you get my point?
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