I came across this brilliant and extremely telling today. It was from a blog called www.democratic-syria.blogspot.com, and for all its possible pro-Assad or anti-West bias (and on even that I cannot make real call, nor should it matter), the points it makes about the sheer hypocrisy of some of the West and Arab world's vitriol against Assad cannot be wished away. Let me see the validity of some this blog's claims:
- "The West has always been and will always be hypocrites when it comes to slogans and what they really aim to do. Issues like Human Rights, Freedom of Speech, Democracy, Protecting Civilians... Are all great slogans for ugly acts, how many lives were lost under these slogans in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Lebanon, Serbia, Bosnia, Vietnam... and the list goes on." - Valid
- "We've seen how Greek officials handle their own peoples' aspiration to rid of the control of bankers of their lives and the result was appointing a banker to rule them." - Valid
- "We've seen Italians and how their government in a copy cat of Greek's handled them." - Valid
- "We've seen the remarkably peaceful and overwhelming Occupy Wall Street movement and how brutally it was handled by 'law enforcement' thugs in the USA." - Valid
Yes, democracy will indeed come to you, replete with bombs and atrocities and dead civilians and destroyed cities and towns and raped economies and puppet governments... whether you like it or not.
Do you get my point?
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