Its very sovereignty is hanging on a the merest thread as its own government contemplates selling it right down the line, as the acronymed vultures named EU and IMF hover hungrily.
Greece is on the verge of having to declare bankruptcy. The last round of bailouts simply didn't do the trick after speculators and other financial terrorists targeted the country's fragile economy and 'huge' public debt. There's a surprise. And I bet the IMF is so very surprised that Greece is poised to default on its debt obligations.
Just yesterday a rash of desperate, last minute talks by the EU (read: namely Germany and France, the Big Bloody F***ing Euro Bullies) on another bailout for Greece came to nothing. The big problem? They couldn't get Greece to commit to even more painful cuts to public spending.
Yeah, 'public spending' - that innocuous-sounding phrase that actually means slashed government spending on social welfare, healthcare, education, pensions, supporting arts and culture - you know, all the things that make (or, rather, made) Greece a modern European country. All poised to be slashed yet again - and yet again it is the poor and the middle class of Greece who will take the brunt of all these 'necessary' cuts to public spending.
As if people were having cuts made to their ability to get daily manicures and pedicures and other such luxuries, you know.
'Cuts' made in the name of bailing out scheister banks, propping up a failed experiment that is the euro and kowtowing to financial terrorists like the IMF.
Greece is being raped, pillaged and its very guts ripped out. No wonder the people are in the streets, raging with anger.
This will go down in history as a shameful chapter in European and world financial history. No doubt about that.
Do you get my point?
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