I came across another article on Yahoo News, once again linking to an article in the New York Post, which annoyed me even more than the one about Will Smith's super-size trailer (see previous post). This one had to do with a charity benefit in which Lady GaGa performed in front of a room full of Wall Street's 'best' (ahem...) and 'finest' (again, ahem...).
A room full of fatcat scheisters so grossly rich that they make Will Smith look like an impoverished Ethiopian.
The article was a showcase of one example after another of just how ironically screwed up the United States and its super-rich thieves have truly become.
Take Lady GaGa. She the modern temptress of ironic kitsch and wit. She performs in front of these super-rich twats, no doubt picking up a huge pay cheque for her one night's work, and what's her grand gesture of 'irony and wit' at this crowd? She supposedly 'breaks a nail' and shows the fatcats the broken nail, thereby "showing them the middle finger" as she giggled, according to the article. Oh, what wit, Ms GaGa!
That may have been her (lame) attempt at poking fun at the assembled fatcats, but she's still a big sell-out.
Then there's the assembled fatcats. According to the Post, "The generous bigwigs coughed up $11 million in donations via credit card machines on each table to help Afghanistan and Iraq war veterans and fight poverty while the night took in more than $47 million. Bidding on a recording session with the Black Eyed Peas reached $400,000."
The mind boggles (and the stomach turns) at that statement. Consider it:
- "Credit card machines on each table"?! The sheer vulgarity of that image belies description. And how does Wall Street give so 'generously' to these charities? By paying with...wait for it...credit! Oh, what sweet irony.
- "To help Afghanistan and Iraq war veterans"? Really? Shouldn't the government be doing that? Oh, that's right - your government is bankrupt, all because it decided to sell its soul to Lucifer and spend all those billions bailing your Wall Street fatcat asses out, you greedy, conniving bastards!
- "Fight poverty"? Would that be the poverty that you, Wall Street, caused more than anything else in your country in the last few years?! Is it that poverty you're wanting to 'fight'?
- "$47-million"? Is that all?
- "Black Eyed Peas"? Another bunch of sell-outs. Big surprise.
But the biggest irony at an event dripping with irony? The name of the charity - the Robin Hood Foundation. That's right - the biggest thieves in the modern era, the robber barons of Wall Street, were wining and dining and living it up and being warbled at by Lady GaGa for a charity called the Robin Hood Foundation.
Except these rich scheisters on Wall Street got it all confused - Robin Hood was about stealing from the rich to give to the poor, not the other way around, you gormless, amoral turds!
Robin Hood would've wept, not to mention Jesus.
Where are those blood-baying crowds of the French Revolution when you need them, huh?
Do you get my point?