However, something very serious is afoot in the Middle East. More to the point, something very serious is going on in the Gulf state of Bahrain. The small island state, rocked in recent weeks by mass protests against the ruling monarch and elites, is now occupied by no less than about 1000 soldiers from Saudi Arabia. You know, that bastion of democracy, freedom and rule of law. The Saudis have been joined by soldiers from neighbouring countries Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
According to the BBC, they have been called in by Bahrain's rulers in an effort to "guard key facilities such as oil and gas installations and financial installations." Of course, it makes sense - make sure the bucks and oil are well protected whilst the people revolt in the streets.
The BBC also stated how the Bahraini opposition viewed the foreign troops on their territory as "[amounting] to an occupation." You got that right.
Imagine suddenly having soldiers of a country with one of the most hardline and appalling human rights records in the world (read: Saudi Arabia) in your midst as you yourself try to overthrow an authoritarian regime in your own country...
The Bahraini people have a lot to be worried about with this latest development in their recent quest to rid themselves of the ruling monarch. I sure wouldn't want the likes of Saudi Arabia flexing its muscle in my front yard.
If this isn't occupation by foreign powers, then what the hell is?
Do you get my point?
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