My recommended site for today is a follow-up to the rant that I posted just a few hours ago. The site is www.canadasshame.com and it is the site the animal activist group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has established to bring into even sharper focus the barbaric butchering of thousands upon thousands of baby harp seals each year in Canada.
I like the fact that the site's URL is canadasshame.com - it is indeed Canada's SHAME that this hunt is still being allowed to take place this year, even after all these years of so much vociferous opposition to the hunt by PETA, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and a host of other environmental groups and individuals from all over the world.
I applaud PETA for this online initiative and this is my small way of trying to spread the word on trying to get this heinous murder to finally be banned.
One can go onto the site and then follow the link to one's Facebook page whereby an appeal to sign a petition against the hunt can be sent to all one's Friends on that site. It's a simple, effective way of getting the word out there.
So, please go and see the site. Look at the pictures and even view the footage (if you can stomach it - it's horrific stuff) and please support this initiative in every which way that you can.
Canada, STOP the seal killing fields NOW!!!
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