Hysterical because of the inhumane and amoral financial 'free market's practices and orthodoxy of the IMF?
Hysterical because of the free market ravages savagely imposed on countless developing countries all over the world by the IMF?
Hysterical because of the IMF being a stalwart of the Washington Consensus, the Friedmanite free market pushers that have made the world what it is today?
Hysterical because of what the IMF is doing to countries like Greece and Portugal?
No, none of the above. Rather, the hysteria being thrown at DSK by all those frantic students at that most venerable university was over the alleged (yes, alleged, please note) 'rape' of a chamber maid at a New York City hotel, and other (highly suspect) 'allegations' being thrown at him by two women in his native France.
Slogans such as "DSK GO Away" and "Women Deserve Better" were the slogans of the day. Not "IMF Stooge Piss Off" or "Down With the IMF". No, it was all about DSK and his alleged rape and indiscretion with a handful of women.
So, let me get this right: All the froth and bother was over the man and his supposed indiscretions and what he does with his penis. Right? That is the sum total of Cambridge University student rage at a man who was once the chief of that most putrid institution, the IMF?
And in the midst of all this pseudo-feminist rage is the fact that the world's poor get poorer, entire countries' economies are being plundered and the free market orthodoxy is failing left, right and centre, as millions go hungry and social welfare systems get slashed to nothing.
And they shout and scream and try to get at the man because they believe he is a rapist. I see.
This from the 'best minds' at one of the world's supposedly best universities?
Excuse me while I have a good, sardonic laugh.
It's pathetic.
Do you get my point?