More than a month has passed since my last post. The month of August has passed in a flash, with more than enough news and tidbits to pique my interest and (for the most part) scandalize or upset me no end...
My inertia can only be put down to a hibernation borne by a particularly long and often quite cold winter (well, at least by southern African standards)...
That, and being a lazy bastard with my writing.
Some news stuck with me, however. A headline discussed on RT and the Keiser Report earlier this month still continues to play on my mind and irk me like few headlines have done this year. It's a byline that has reportedly become quite common in job postings in the recession-ravaged USA and shows to what putrid lows casino capitalism has sunk:
Unemployed Need Not Apply
Uh huh. And how exactly are people who are unemployed supposed to ever get their lives back on track if their current reality is a de facto disqualification from even applying for a job?!
Unbelievable. Incredulous, angered...and even a little stunned is how I felt knowing that this is how bad an economic downturn can get. And how capitalism (or what's left of it today) can 'justify' its actions.
The various machinations of just how bad, how VERY BAD this little paradigm shift in corporate oxymoronic thinking really is boggled my mind then. And continue to boggle my mind all these weeks later.
Do you get my point?